Why invest in a pram shelter?

Having numerous prams and buggies outside your nursery or day care entrance can be both an eye sore and hazard to your staff, parents and children, a pram shelter will ensure that the area remains safe and clear of clutter.  The purchase of a pram shelter will send a powerful message to your staff and parents; that you value, and go the extra mile towards the cleanliness and safety of your day care or nursery.

Having a pram shelter means that there is a safe, clean, and secure storage area outside your building for prams and buggies, this means no more wet prams and no more wet floors in your main entrance and corridors.  It also means you have no more, dirty wheel tracks dragging in dirt from the pavements, roads and fields.

We have focused on the positive aspects of being able to house buggies and prams outside, but we manufacture pram and buggy shelters in a wide range of shapes and sizes, some of which are also suitable as parent waiting areas or cycle storage.  Because we also design and manufacture bespoke canopies and shelters we will work with you to create the ideal pram shelter, which can include solar lighting, notice boards, tether rails, gates, the options really are endless.

We at ‘Canopies by Acer’ understand a pram shelter or buggy store is a large investment for your business, so our design team will take the time understanding your exact requirements before advising on the product and presenting a fixed price quotation.