End to healthy school dinners?

The government has already cancelled a survey on the nutritional content of school meals, which was one of the key victories of the Jamie Oliver’s campaign.  The campaign has been going since 2006 and was carried out by the Children’s food trust.  The trust has been informed by the department of education that they would not be conducting the survey this year and nor would anyone else.  The survey could be resurrected in the future, but this will be decided my ministers after another report has been published conducted by the founders of the Leon restaurant chain, this report will be a wider report into school food.

The news that cancelling this report is not a good sign for school children, who run the risk of returning to eating unhealthy packed lunches or eating meals outside of school, instead of eating a healthier school dinner.  Childhood obesity is already a problem with children in the UK with reports showing that children are not getting slimmer but are becoming more increasingly obese, due to eating habits and lack of exercise as well. Unhealthy eating does not just effect a child’s health but it also effects the child’s performance in the class room, making less aware and focused.  Surely keeping up with the education of children on the correct types food to eat on a daily basis would benefit everyone from the children to parent’s.  What are your thoughts on the subject?